
Your Band

To make 8Tunes more complete we'd like to have your band in our list. If you decide to enter into the project, we'll give you a custom 8Tunes Player to show to the world your music. You'll can stick it on your website or share it. It will be showed in the main page for a time. Apart from that, this is a way to make both of us being knowed: the users of 8Tunes will know you and your friends/family will know our webpage.

To start with the Band process, send an e-mail to eight-tunes@hotmail.com

And remember, it is FREE

Licencia de Creative Commons
8tunes by Bernat is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.
Creado a partir de la obra en dl.dropbox.com.